So Winter Break is here... and its been incredible so far...
Dustin and I started out by going to Winterhaven, which was awesome. Its a christmas light display in Tucson.

Alien Christmas house made from recycled goods.
On Friday we went to Phoenix and hung out with my family- its so good to be back around them again.
Saturday mom, Brandon, Dustin, and I went to hike Squaw Peak- wonderful. :] Mom did such an awesome job- she cut 50 minutes off her time from last winter break [this year we did it in 1:40 min.]
At the top with my love.

Saturday night Dustin and I went to the Nutcracker, which was fabulous. I was in it when I was 13, and the first time I went was with my nana when I was 5, so it was really great to be able to go again.
The 3 Muskateers
Mom with the Christmas tree at the top!
The NutcrackerSunday my mom, Dustin, and I attempted to go to church, but my tire blew out on the freeway on the way there. We got it fixed but not in time for church. So we went bowling with my brother and Uncle Eric, and then to the evening service that night.

Bowling with the family
Monday, yesterday, Dustin and I left for Flagstaff. We went to the Grand Canyon for the first time (that we can remember), had dinner at our hotel (Little America), and hang out in our room. We did our gift exchange and that was also terrific. - Oh, by the way, there were about 7 million Asians there, which was interesting because I feel like the asian population in Arizona is low.
Today we were supposed to go snowboarding but the snow was coming down pretty hard. We decided to drive up to the mountain anyway since it is so close, and on our way Dustins car said it was 29 out... what?! To get up the mountain we needed chains, which we didnt have so instead we stopped on the side of the road to play in the snow. :]
Tonight we are going to San Felipes Cantina for dinner, looking at the Christmas lights here at the hotel, playing the new New Moon game Dustin got for me, and just hanging out.
I miss Kieren and Julie like crazy. These last few months formed some of the greatest friends. :] Coming back to ADPi is going to be weird without Kieren there.... but maybe she'll come down and visit Jules and I soon. :]
Well that is all I am going to write for now...
tis the season.
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