Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the plan.

So I have always been a believer of God has a plan, even if you can't see it.

Well after ADPi elections in September, I definitely couldn't see it. And even after I got on panhellenic I was still sore about not being able to live out my "dream."

But today I officially saw the light. Not being president has opened up so many other doors for me. Panhellenic is so much cooler than I thought it was going to be. I applied to be an orientation leader this summer. Im working 3 jobs (if you include panhellenic). and I joined Psi Chi (which I am now thinking of running to be the president in the fall).

And what is even better is I still have so much more time for the people who mean the most to me.

I now know that if I was president I wouldn't have any of the time for all these things and that there would have been a small chance that relationships I have with family, friends, and Dustin, would have had some strain put on them.

And what is even better about "seeing the light" is that I can finally let go of this resentment about the elections.

Thank God for this fabulous plan.

moving on.

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