So as I've been blogging I've gotten to see some cute tutorials that make me super sad not to have a sewing machine. So today when I went to make dinner a really cool thought popped into my head! Kelly Tutorials!
So here's number 1: Stuffed Bell Peppers
Now Im a pretty new chef, and since I don't really do measuring, all this is up to you.
-One Bell Pepper pepper per person (I used yellow because they were on sale)
-Ground beef (a little less than 1/4 lb per pepper)
-Seasonings and fillings that you want!
I used diced tomatoes, cheddar cheese, a clove of garlic,
minced onions, cumin, black pepper, and basil
So start by cooking your ground beef- Make sure it's not too done otherwise you're going to end up with super dry meat
Preheat your over to 350
Cut the tops off your peppers and gut um'
Green, yellow, and red peppers all have a different taste-
if you're cooking for many people mix up the colors-
it'll look pretty and your guests can choose!
Get your fillings ready- so for me that was dice tomatoes, chop garlic, etc.
When the meat is kinda cool mix with your fillings, seasonings, etc.
Stuff it in the pepper! Then place on cookie sheets lines with aluminum foil (for easy clean up).
I also topped mine with cheese in addition to the cheese inside
I did mine in the oven for 20min, which was delicious. If you want a softer pepper instead of cooking it longer (don't want to dry out the meat), you could boil them a little bit before.
Serve with rice and veggies for a sort of Asian feel. I garnished mine with sour cream, because I love it, but Im sure it's tasty without!
So proud!
Also, if you have extra meat and fillings, I would totally recommend making them into hamburger patties. It's AWESOME. The veggies (especially when I added zucchini) make the patty really juicy (and slightly more healthy!).