Tuesday, December 14, 2010

30 day photo challenge: Day 7

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

This is a hard one. I may like material things like clothes and stuff, I would never consider those treasured items.

Two things that come to mind are the ring Dustin got me for Valentines Day last year...

and Chauncey.

The ring because it constantly reminds me of the love Dustin and I share, and Chauncey because he is a reminder that I can do big things on my own. It's nice to say I bought him with my own money. :)

Day 7.

1 comment:

Nicki said...

It's funny, I feel like I know you so well yet day 6 and 7 were complete surprises to me! I like learning about you, even if it is hard to know things about your friends. :)